Helpful AI GPT Agents for automation
Today, I will be exploring the different aspects of the Auto-GPT project, a Python and LangChain based software that leverages the capabilities of GPT for automation. This analysis covers a detailed code review, the creation of Gherkin Syntax Features and Scenario Outlines, and the visualization of the code flow through Sequence Diagrams… and all of these tasks were executed autonomously by an Auto-GPT agent. Section 1: Code Review Structure and Logic Analysis The first step in this journey was to watch Auto-GPT conducting a comprehensive code review of the fastapi_jwt_auth_refresh.py file. Auto-GPT found a well-structured code, adhering to the principles of the FastAPI framework. Potential Improvements AI generated by Auto-GPT…
Supercharge Your Wisdom
Okay, folks, here’s the deal. This project is showing us how we can team up OpenAI with our knowledge base or other documents. And the cool part? We can do these fancy ‘semantic searches’ and even whip up prompts that we can tweak the generation of the LLM response just the way we like. This project contains a Streamlit Chat interface and a Luigi ETL Pipeline that processes and stores documents into a Weaviate Vectorstore instance. Github Repository The ETL pipeline performs several tasks: converting Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts to Markdown format, cleaning the code blocks in the Markdown files, removing unnecessary files and directories, and uploading the processed…
TS Cheatsheet
https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app https://www.typescriptlang.org/id/docs/handbook/react.html Types by Inference Type annotations Interfaces Use interface if exporting so that consumers can extend. Intersect types Explicit object shape using types and interfaces As a function type Objects Dictionaires Utility types Partial (Optional) We can see: That two fields are required: name and year. The description field is optional. When would you use a Partial? Helpful when you are required to use only certain fields. When we have a row of a table that represents in its columns the different fields of a record that can be updated, it can be any of the fields, so you don’t mind assuming that all fields may be ultimately optional…
Essential GIT Commands
To follow the pathlook to the masterfollow the masterwalk with the mastersee through the masterbecome the master Imágenes Referencias https://github.com/git-guides https://cli.github.com/manual https://lab.github.com
Watch the bar turn green with TDD
When there are bugs, there is probably nothing more pleasing than figure out a way to: Write a failing unit test that reproduces that bug. Fix it and watch the bar turn green again, forever and ever 😉 If your goal is to stay green for all of your existing tests by using the Test Driven Development (TDD) approach, you need to mentally train yourself to: Think about the behavior around the next pieces of functionalities that you need in your code, then start moving towards your end goal in tiny steps and you will end up seeing tangible progress every moment. Write unit test first, they shouldn’t be written…
Use SWR with React Suspense
This article will explore how you should use the awesome useSWR hook for remote data fetching. Why the SWR hooks for remote data fetching? Because SWR (stale-while-revalidate) is a fully dedicated React Hooks library for remote data fetching. So basically, this is what SWR does: First returns the data from cache (stale) Then sends the fetch request (revalidate). Finally comes with the up-to-date data again. Why Suspense? Because Suspense will definitely help you to maintain a consistent UI in the face of asynchronous dependencies. Something I prefer to call on-demand loaded React components. All you need is to: Set the suspense: true as one of the useSWR hook options. Wrap…
Manage non connected components state
It is pretty simple, the React Context API helps to simplify the way you pass or share data across components. Let’s start with using createContext() to offer a custom Provider component, including its Consumer component for interacting with your custom global state later: Great thing about the Provider is that it is really useful to make the state available to all your child components: The Consumer component goal is simple, it just consume the data that comes from the Provider, without any need for prop drilling your components. Just combine the Context API with the useReducer Hook to start enjoying the features of a custom and very simple global state…
Control your load prioritization in React
Let’s start talking about the idea behind bundle splitting in React , it is pretty simple as handling multiple bundles that can be dynamically loaded on demand at runtime. Basically, you should start: Importing all your dynamic imports as regular components with React.lazy Rendering all your lazy components inside a Suspense component. The outcome is pretty awesome too. You will end up with smaller bundles thanks to this control resource load prioritization approach, which generally give you a major impact on your React App load time. Complete code src/routes/Routes.js src/components/States/States.js
Workshop: Express JS
Por favor consulte: https://github.com/josoroma/expressworks
Workshop: Node JS
Sólo porque siempre hay más de una manera de hacer las cosas, este repo incluye otras maneras interesantes de resolver el mismo problema, dicho esto… Sus comentarios, sugerencias y mejoras son bienvenidas. Por favor consulte: Solutions to learnyounode workshops